Child Psychologist

Playdate Gone Wrong

Originally published in our Laudable Life advice column in the Lakelands Leader Q: Last week my daughter and I had the worst playdate ever! She’s two and a half and an only child. She likes other children but sometime she can get anxious or shy around them and sometimes she has trouble sharing. Probably all…


Having a safe halloween with food allergies

Q: Our son has food allergies, peanuts, dairy, and gluten. It’s bad and it’s a pain, but we manage. We cook a lot at home and we know which treats he can eat. I send him to school and friends’ houses with his own cupcake when there’s a party; but Halloween is tough. He loves…


Should we let our son play tackle football?

Come back for our August Laudable Life advice column!


Stopping Tantrums By Nipping Them in the Bud

Originally published in the Lakelands Leader in our advice column the Laudable Life Q: I love my daughter so much, but she’s a tough cookie. It’s very common during a play date, or when we’re have company over, or when she’s with me and we’re out shopping together, for her to have a full on…


What’s Dad’s Role in the Era of the #MeToo Movement?

Q: I’m overwhelmed by all of the stories of sexual harassment and abuse in the news lately. It seems to be everywhere. As a father, how can I protect my girls?   A: The best thing you can do for your daughters is to set an example of how they should be treated. Here are…


Is a DBT Group Right for My Daughter?

Originally Published in the Lakelands Leader in our Laudable life advice column Q:  I have a teenage daughter with significant emotional issues. Her friendships at school can be so short-lived I have a hard time keeping track of who’s in and who’s out from week to week.  Our relationship is quite volatile as well; there’s…


Nervous About Going to Camp

Originally Published in the Lakelands Leader in our advice column The Laudable Life Q: We’re planning to send our son to camp for the last two weeks of July and he’s anxious about going. He’s always been a little socially awkward and he’s worried about fitting in and making friends. I don’t want to force…


What’s My Role in My Daughters Eating Disorder Care?

Originally published in the Lakelands Leader in our advice column The Laudable Life. Q: A few months ago, my daughter was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. She went through in-patient treatment and is now working with her therapist twice a week. She is also meeting with her pediatrician and nutritionist but I am still worried because…


When Your Child Doesn’t Want To Hug Grandma (or other adults)

Q: My four-year-old child is extremely shy and retreats when relatives try to hug or kiss her at greetings and departures. I’m afraid my daughter is coming across as rude or unloving, or that I look like an overly indulgent parent because I am not making her do it.  Sometimes they say things that suggest…


When ADHD Makes Homework Time Hell

Q: I need help getting my child to focus on school work. I have tried helping him myself throughout the school year. Unfortunately, he is constantly distracted by something and needs help sitting still for even five minutes. He was recently diagnosed with ADHD, and I’m starting to think that label is taking his motivation…



It's not an easy time to be a kid. Perhaps it never is, but now it's especially true. Let us help you understand and support your child's needs.

Is your teen struggling with school, in their relationships with friends, with you? Do they seem irritable, withdrawn, unmotivated, sad? Our therapist know how to help.

Are you looking to make some aspect of your otherwise good relationship better? Maybe you’ve tried all the strategies that make sense to you.